Pedagogy Corner

Creating a Study Plan for TOCFL Success

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on preparing for the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL). Whether you’re a student aiming to study in a Chinese-speaking country, a...

New HSK Exam with 9 Levels – What is Changing?

The HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) exam has long been the gold standard for assessing Chinese language proficiency among non-native speakers. However, to better evaluate and acknowledge the Chinese proficiency...

HSK vs HSKK – What Sets Them Apart?

Discover the Differences: HSK vs HSKK As you prepare for the HSK exam, you might encounter the HSKK test, sparking a bit of concern about its necessity. Relax. In...

Basic Mandarin Words in Yoga and Meditation

Discover the beauty of yoga and meditation as you learn essential vocabulary in Mandarin. Our native Chinese/Taiwanese teachers will guide you through conversations about yoga techniques, meditation methods, stress...

Four tones in Chinese Mandarin

Chinese is a tonal language. Tone is an important part of proper pronunciation. Many characters in Mandarin Chinese sound the same. Therefore, to distinguish between words when speaking Mandarin,...

Common Punctuation Marks in Mandarin

Just like other languages, Chinese also has punctuation marks. However, there will be some slight differences from English. Let’s find out through this article. I. Full stop Although the...

Mandarin Vocabulary: Gifts and presents

Today, Ni Hao Ma will introduce to you some vocabulary in gifts and presents topic. Vocabulary and suggestions for gift ideas: Here are some common expression:

Mandarin Abbreviations in texting

Who regularly check weibo will definitely see that Mandarin native speakers often use abbreviations in texting and commenting. Do you know the full meaning? If still not yet, save...